Sunday, August 23, 2009

DAY 63 - Fat Globules

So, I've been hanging in there and persistant with my kickboxing lessons. I really do enjoy it. What's so odd is that I hate exercise. Totally loathe it. I like moving for fun. Not for the purpose of doing what is good and healthy for my body according to all of the medical journals in the world. But the sessions have been a lot of fun!

I still hurt like never before after each lesson. Parts I didn't know I had start to ache. There's a lower back/upper butt/side hip muscle that is screaming after every lesson. But it oddly feels good.

I'm on vacation now. We're in Cape Cod. I'm in full-fledged panic mode. Vacation usually means eating. We eat here. A lot. Reservations are made and rich food is consumed. I've been trying to make the best possible choices with my food. Those ten weeks with Janice were not in vain! And yesterday I actually walked quite far on the beach, trudged up a sand path and then jogged my way back to the resort. I was sweating like a pig and it felt great.

However, I can almost FEEL the food I eat turning into little fat globules and depositing themselves with such glee onto my hips, stomach and ass. Let us not forget about the back fat and flabby upper arms. It's freaking me out! I see myself looking like a stay-puff marshmallow woman walking down the aisle. It freaks me out!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

DAY 46 - Survival

I survived my first kickboxing lesson. Truth be told, I have a really awesome trainer who happens to be my neighbor who happens to be my friend. So, it made for a far more fun session. Now, for the cold hard truth...
For someone who spends her day walking, my ass is so out of shape, I couldn't complete the first session! I felt like a bad first date with ED! Just before we started doing the abs portion I got some sort of weird kidney cramp and had to sit down. It was most likely due to the Starbucks beverage I purchased and wolfed down at the Jiffy Mart before the class.
I did 30 push-ups (sets of 10, of course....couldn't do all 30 at once) and that night I had to slither into bed on my face. The arms were no longer functional pieces of flesh. At one point, I complained about the size of our sheets while trying to fold clean ones. "Why must our bed be so big! It's so painful to fold this fitted sheet!" Hence, the sheet is may look folded, but inside, it's a jumbled mess.
The following day was a little better. I woke up and the comforter no longer felt like a slab of sheet rock laying on my body. Moving around helped. Therefore I felt inspired to take another class the following day!
Well, training session number two with Trainer Trish was quite exciting! She was right when she told me the first day, "It'll never be as hard to do as it is during this first class." I was slightly skilled (SLIGHTLY!!) and finished the entire class. I even jumped rope for the first time in over a decade. (It was so much easier as a kid!) Most importantly, I DID NOT HURL! There was no hurling, no cramping and no crying. I left pumped up for the next class!
It's like dating someone....because I was anxiously awaiting the call/text/email where Trainer Trish asked when I was coming back. NEVER in a million years did I think I'd ever get this excited about something that consisted of EXERCISE!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

DAY 41

So, I've officially changed the second number on the scale. I haven't
been one-seventy-anything in over a decade. I have 7 weeks until the
wedding. Most of what I lost is because of my insanely busy work
schedule. My max has been 19 walks in one day. It made me realize how
important exercise is in all of this. So tomorrow...Sunday ....I start
training for kickboxing. I'm scared. I'm such a blob. How will I do
this and not look like a giant ass? I guess we will know in nine hours!

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